My name is Jacinta Miller, but most people call me Jaci (jaycee). I have been attending Grace Chapel since 2004, alongside my husband Chris and our four children. Since the Fall of 2016, I have served as an administrative assistant at the church, where my job is to prepare the church’s weekly communications (bulletins, newsletters, social media, etc.). Since becoming a Christian at the age of 25, I have enjoyed watching the Lord at work in my life, as He patiently transforms me into the image of his Son. He has blessed me abundantly, in my own family life, as well as in the fellowship of believers here at Grace Chapel, where my husband and I serve as Youth Group leaders and Sunday School teachers. In my free time at home, I enjoy cooking and baking, Jazzercise, taking walks, playing games with my family and reading. My happiest moments are the ones where my home is filled with joyful conversation and laughter!